Innovaderm manages a study in PPP and beats recruitment timelines

Aristea recently published Phase 2a clinical data in Dermatology and Therapy from its study managed by Innovaderm Research, highlighting the safety and potential efficacy of Aristea’s lead program RIST4721 for the treatment of moderate to severe palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP).
This study came with its challenges from Day 1:
- It was a study being conducted in both Canada and Germany
- On a less frequent disease indication (PPP)
- As such, it was not easy finding trial patients that fit the necessary criteria
- If that wasn’t challenging enough, the drug had to remain frozen, so special storage considerations had to be made for each patient’s handling
Innovaderm developed a robust recruitment strategy with multiple creative initiatives and created a strong site-patient relationship support structure with frequent site calls and follow-ups. Not only did we tackle the problems at hand, but we also beat initial recruitment timelines!
Read more about it here.
to learn more about dermatological and rare disease clinical trial management.